food safety

Which GLOBALG.A.P. standard is best for my business?

  • Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) - The IFA standard is the top tier GLOBALG.A.P. standard and is great for those exporting outside of the US and especially to the European Union.
    • IFA certification includes topics above and beyond food safety, like worker welfare and environmental sustainability.
  • Harmonized Produce Safety Standard (HPSS) - The HPSS is a standard developed by United Fresh and used by GLOBALG.A.P. and other organizations like the USDA.

How does Food Safety Certification from CCOF benefit me as an organic farmer?

We have heard loud and clear from our members that they want to comply with the requirements of FSMA and their buyers, but are concerned about the cost, time, and paperwork burden of dealing with another certification program. In addition, organic producers need a food safety program that works in harmony with the USDA NOP requirements. We see the value in offering a food safety certification program that not only respects and encourages organic systems, but also streamlines the paperwork and inspection process.