The energy is still buzzing from CCOF’s recent visit to over 50 legislators in Sacramento on February 18 and 19 for Rooting for Organic: CCOF’s 2020 Annual Meeting and advocacy day. Joined by CCOF members, community allies, and organic advocates alike, more than 100 people met in the California State Capitol to engage in the democratic process and make the case that organic is the next step forward for a climate resilient California. From organic farmers and businesses to healthcare professionals, elementary school teachers, and climate advocates, CCOF gathered a diverse coalition in Sacramento to share the findings of CCOF’s Roadmap to an Organic California: Policy Report.
Joined by Senator Anna Caballero at the CCOF Foundation Reception on February 18, CCOF’s friends and members heard resounding support for the Roadmap to an Organic California: Policy Report, which provides vetted solutions that utilize the power of organic as a science-based solution to challenges of climate change, economic disparity, and human health. We seek to double California’s organic farmland by 2030, and we are one step closer after this past week in Sacramento. As Senator Caballero said, “This Roadmap can set an example for other communities, other states, and other countries to follow suit.”
With speeches from CCOF CEO Kelly Damewood and author/farmer Dr. Bob Quinn the morning of the 19th, participants were invigorated by the transparency and willingness for cross-industry collaboration to advance organic farmland, support organic farmworkers, and care for the communities surrounding organic farmland in California and beyond.
During meetings with elected officials, CCOF requested that California investigate the true cost of food to understand how different types of farming impact consumers and the state’s economy. Led by CCOF, groups of organic businesspeople and supporters asked legislators to support feeding kids California-grown, organic foods in schools, and called for an increase in funds for organic research and CDFA’s Climate Smart Agriculture Programs. The science demonstrates that organic agriculture can combat climate change, strengthen the economy, and protect human health. Investing in an organic future has never been more important.
If there is one takeaway from this event for CCOF, it is that our members and supporters are more inspired than ever to continue the momentum started more than 40 years ago by a small group of passionate individuals who paved the way for organic farmers to be heard in the national food system.
CCOF and our partner organizations are beyond grateful for the passion, intelligence, and enthusiasm brought by participants to our 2020 Annual Meeting & Advocacy Day. Thank you all for creating a world where organic will be the norm.