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How to Decide Which Food Safety Program Is Right for You

by Jen Rojas |

Searching for the right food safety program? CCOF offers both PrimusGFS and GLOBALG.A.P. services. Keep reading to find out which of CCOF offerings is right for you!

Where to Start

First and most importantly, be sure to have conversations with your buyers about their expectations and needs. This will likely have a big impact on your decision. Both of CCOF’s food safety programs are GFSI benchmarked and widely known. We are happy to assist currently certified organic producers, producers with both organic and conventional acreage, and producers who are thinking about transitioning to organic. 


PrimusGFS is an internationally recognized and trusted program. Depending on your operation’s activities, you will enroll in either Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) or Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). GAPs consist of a farm module, an indoor growing module, or a harvest crew module. GMPs consist of a module specialized for packinghouses, processors, storage facilities, or distributors. Operations select the dedicated modules that fit their activities, and CCOF then conducts one inspection per applicable module. Some operations prefer this program because the resulting module reports are easy to read and accepted by all major retailers in 22 countries.


GLOBALG.A.P. approaches food safety in a more holistic style. One audit and certificate can cover many sites and packinghouses. The forms cover a variety of topics in an easy-to-navigate format and provide not only the requirements but also context for best meeting them. Some growers prefer this program as they know they can accomplish all their inspection needs in one visit, saving them time and money. Depending on your number of product types and harvest windows, this may be true for you too! Our GLOBALG.A.P. services are broken into three subprograms. Operations often choose one or two of these three programs, depending on their activities. GLOBALG.A.P. Harmonized Produce Safety Standard (HPSS) is a very popular program for domestic sales, while GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) is often used for international sales. GLOBALG.A.P. Produce Handling Assurance (PHA) is a subprogram for the pre-process production steps that take place after the harvest, such as cooling, packing, repacking, handling, and storing fresh product for human consumption.

What’s Next?

Regardless of the program you choose, you can find convenience and efficiency by bundling all your certification needs with CCOF. Our experienced inspectors and staff are versed in both organic and food safety regulations, and we strive to combine your inspections when possible. You can read more about each program by visiting our Food Safety Services page or email today to get started!