Blake Lineweaver is currently a senior in agronomy and international agriculture at Iowa State University and is pursuing a career in sustainable, nonprofit-oriented production agriculture. Lineweaver hails from Okoboji, Iowa, otherwise known as Iowa’s “Great Lakes” region, and was infused from an early age with a profound appreciation for rural communities, the environment, and our bountiful natural resources.
From serving as vice president of community service for the interfraternity council to participating in a service-learning program in Kamuli, Uganda this last summer, Lineweaver has utilized several roles at Iowa State to share his passions of civic duty and meaningful work in production agriculture.
This summer, he is an agroecology intern with Mustard Seed Community Farm in Ames, Iowa, which operates a tripod-distribution CSA where one-third is sold, one-third is shared through workshares, and the remainder is donated to local organizations who empower and feed marginalized communities. Through his experience, Lineweaver hopes to contribute to and learn from the farm’s mission of cultivating a community in which everyone can participate in growing and eating delicious, healthy, locally produced food.
Congratulations Blake!
Please join us in congratulating the recipients of the CCOF Foundation’s Future Organic Farmer Grants.