The National Organic Program (NOP) released a final rule amending the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List). Effective November 22, 2019, the NOP will add two substances to the National List and reclassify magnesium chloride. The rule is based off recommendations from the National Organic Standards Board’s spring 2018 meeting.
The final rule expands the use of elemental sulfur in organic crop production by adding it to § 205.601(h) for use as a molluscicide bait to control slugs and snails. Elemental sulfur is already allowed for use as an insecticide, as plant disease control, and as a plant or soil amendment. It also allowed in organic livestock production for treatment of livestock and livestock housing.
Polyoxin D salt was also added to the National List in the final rule. The substance will be added to the National List at § 205.601(i) as plant disease control.
Finally, the rule reclassifies magnesium chloride from an allowed synthetic ingredient in § 205.605(b) to an allowed nonsynthetic ingredient in § 205.605(a). The substance continues to be allowed in organic handling but has moved on the National List. Nonsynthetic forms of magnesium chloride continue to be allowed, but operations using a synthetic variant will need to find a new source.
For questions about the final rule, contact Valerie Frances at the Standards Division of the National Organic Program at (202) 720-3252. If you are a CCOF member and want to use one of the above substances in your organic processing or production, submit a review request via