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USDA Launches Organic Learning Center Featuring CCOF-Produced Content

by Noah Lakritz |

Last week the National Organic Program (NOP) launched the Organic Integrity Learning Center, an online platform that will provide free organic education geared towards certifiers, inspectors, reviewers, and compliance specialists. CCOF-produced videos were featured in a lesson titled “Sound and Sensible Organic Certification.” These videos were produced with a grant from USDA’s Sound and Sensible initiative to ease the process of transition and certification for producers. CCOF is proud to contribute content that highlights CCOF members and their practices in the new Learning Center. 

The initial courses offered include:

  • Introduction to the USDA Organic System
  • Sound and Sensible Organic Certification
  • Fundamentals of Inspection
  • Compliance and Enforcement: Adverse Actions, Appeals, and Reinstatements
  • Import Oversight Essentials

According to the USDA, future lesson topics will include Dairy Compliance, Traceability Techniques, Advanced Inspections, Materials Reviews, Certification Administration, and Sampling and Testing.

This project is part of an ongoing effort by the NOP to strengthen organic integrity by supporting the continued education of both compliance and enforcement professionals. The inclusion of CCOF materials in these lessons demonstrates the organization’s continued leadership in educating both farmers and the public about the certification process and its benefits.

If you are interested in these lessons, follow the simple sign-up process to create an account and access the learning center.

View CCOF videos about the organic certification process and organic system plans:

For questions about the Learning Center, contact