CCOF is excited to release a new contribution to the scientific literature, Roadmap to an Organic California: Benefits Report, which distills the findings of more than 300 peer-reviewed scientific studies into a captivating and beautifully illustrated read.

The Benefits Report presents clear evidence that organic agriculture is more than a system of food production; it is a comprehensive approach to solving the issues threatening California’s long-term security and prosperity.
“Organic food production is an opportunity to stimulate the state’s economy, promote public health, and protect our natural resources,” said Kelly Damewood, CEO of CCOF. “The report finds that organic agriculture provides evidence-based solutions to the nation’s complex challenges by promoting healthy, carbon-storing soils while also driving strong economic returns and improving public health and prosperity,” said Damewood.
The report presents scientific evidence that shows organic farming to be a practical tool for reducing poverty, stimulating local economies, protecting and enhancing public health, and ensuring a food secure future. It shows that it is time for all communities to have access to organic food and for all of California to benefit from organic agriculture.
California, already the national leader accounting for more than a third of all organic food sales in the nation, is uniquely poised to benefit from this strong trend in consumer demand. Not only does California have a robust foundation from which to build, it is the only state with its own program to support the USDA’s National Organic Program, which sets the standards for organic production that ensure consumer confidence in the organic label.
The report details the many benefits that organic production is generating – and could generate on a far larger scale with increased organic acreage. The Benefits Report is the first outcome from CCOF’s Roadmap to an Organic California project, an effort to enlist the support of policymakers, consumers, organic producers, and others to increase certified organic acreage in California from its current 4% to 10% by 2030.
The Benefits Report is available to read online or in printed format for an $8 donation to cover the cost of printing. A useful 1-page summary highlighting key findings and graphics is also available for free download on demand. This 1-pager is an excellent resource to share with your community at farmers’ markets, in CSA boxes, at grower meetings—anywhere that you’d like to help spread the good news about organic.
CCOF welcomes comments and suggestions on the Benefits Report and the Roadmap project; send us your feedback to roadmap@ccof.org.