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PrimusGFS Food Safety Certification Now Offered by CCOF

por Jane Wade |

CCOF is pleased to announce the addition of PrimusGFS to our food safety certification services for the organic sector. Effective immediately, CCOF is accepting applications from farmers, coolers/distributors, harvest crews, packing houses, and processors of produce. If you are interested in obtaining a quote for services or applying, please complete our online form para más información.   

Do you have non-organic crops or products in your production system? We can also certify your non-organic acreage and products, so long as some part of your operation is organic or in transition to organic.  

Buyers often influence the choice of food safety certification. Over the years, a growing number of producers have been asked to get PrimusGFS certified for their organic operations, and we are pleased to be able to meet these requests while continuing to offer GLOBALG.A.P. With either of these GFSI-benchmarked programs, you will meet the requirements of buyers while harmonizing your food safety and organic certification.

Not all certifiers are the same. CCOF provides food safety certification suited for organic producers, balancing organic regulations and food safety requirements. Plus, we often can combine your organic and GFSI audits in the same trip. CCOF has a strong history of offering food safety certification services under GLOBALG.A.P., and we are excited to apply our experience and efficiency to PrimusGFS. You can find more information on our website o get started by applying today

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