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Organic 101 Webinar for Small and Midsized Crop Producers

por Meaghan Donovan |

Are you interested in growing organically, but mystified by the organic certification process? 

Join the CCOF Foundation on Monday, October 14 for a seminario web that will explain the benefits, costs, and steps of the organic certification process for growers who market directly to consumers. 

Some local producers grow and sell organic crops to increase their revenue. Other farmers find the USDA organic seal a convenient way to communicate their farm’s commitment to sustainable growing practices to their customers. Our webinar speaker, Rebecca Silver of CCOF Certification Services, will highlight these benefits of organic and more. 

Then, learn the steps necessary to obtain organic certification for crop production through the USDA National Organic Program. Silver will review land requirements, what records you need to keep, what input materials are allowed, and other key requirements needed to get your operation certified. Silver will also highlight organic best practices for farms that sell at farmers’ markets and other direct-to-consumer outlets.

Ample time will be reserved for questions from the audience.

Learn more about the webinar and register online.

About this Series

This webinar is part of the CCOF Foundation’s Farmers’ Marketing: Tools for Success series, providing tips and tools for farmers to strengthen their sales and income at farmers’ markets.

Funding for the series was made possible by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant AM180100XXXXG055.