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Apply Now for the Pandemic Response and Safety Grant Program

by Guest Blogger |

USDA is currently accepting applications for the Pandemic Response and Safety (PRS) Grant Program. Applications must be submitted electronically through the grant portal at by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, November 22, 2021. Approximately $650 million in funding is available for the PRS grants.

Don’t wait until the last minute. The first step in applying is getting a DUNS number, which can take up to five days. 

Once you have your DUNS number, the application takes less than 10 minutes. The application, FAQs, tip sheets, and information on how to apply are at the PRS Grant Portal. Resources are also available in Spanish on the PRS webpage.

Grants cover COVID-related expenses such as workplace safety measures, personal protective equipment (PPE), retrofitting facilities for worker and consumer safety, shifting to online sales platforms, transportation, worker housing, and medical costs. Small businesses and nonprofits in the following industries can apply:

•    Specialty crop producers

•    Shellfish farmers, finfish farmers, aquaculture and apiculture producers

•    Specialty crop, meat, and other processors

•    Distributors

•    Farmers’ markets

Contact information for providers offering technical assistance for this grant application is available on the AMS PRS grant webpage under “Additional Resources”:


This article was written by the Agricultural Marketing Service. 

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) administers programs that create domestic and international marketing opportunities for U.S. producers of food, fiber, and specialty crops. AMS also provides the agriculture industry with valuable services to ensure the quality and availability of wholesome food for consumers across the country and around the world.