What: Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) Training to help your farm business comply with FSMA legislation, and a second on-farm training covering food safety best practices, business and marketing, and crisis planning at your operation as a follow-up session for interested farmers.
When: Friday, January 24, 2020, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Where: Allan Hancock College, Room G106A/B
Cost: Free for small producers of leafy greens
To sign up or get more information, contact:
- At Cal Poly: Jeta Rudi-Polloshka
jrudi@calpoly.edu or (805) 756-5021
- At Allan Hancock College: Erin Krier
erin.krier@hancockcollege.edu or (805) 720-4928
Find more information on the event flyer.