CCOF will host a session on December 2 on growing and selling in the Mexican organic market at the 2021 Organic Grower Summit in Monterey, California.
Mexico’s promotion of organic agriculture has led to a steady domestic organic market and is creating outstanding import opportunities for U.S. growers. While most Mexico-based organic operations export produce to the U.S., organic growers are exploring how the Mexican organic market differs from the U.S. market and how both markets can support each other’s continued growth.
Panelists will discuss key differences between the Mexican organic laws, rules, and regulations and the U.S. National Organic Program. This session will also discuss the production and supply chain challenges, the history of the Mexican organic market, and what future opportunities exist on each side of the border.
Visit www.organicgrowersummit.com to register for the Organic Gower Summit on December 1-2, 2021 in Monterey, California.
This article was submitted by the Organic Produce Network.
The Organic Produce Network’s mission is to inform, educate, and connect through a strong digital presence with an emphasis on original content, complemented by engaging live events which bring together various components of the organic growing community.