CCOF has updated multiple Organic System Plan (OSP) forms to reflect updated requirements due to Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE). We encourage all CCOF-certified operations to use the new forms to streamline inspections and OSP updates. Here are a few highlights:
Handler OSP form updates:
- Handler OSP Update Guide: This form guides you to OSP forms that you may need to update in various scenarios and has links to all current versions of OSP forms.
- Co-Packer Application: Questions added about ingredients and packaging to determine if private label owner needs to be certified or not due to SOE. This form now needs to be completed for all private label owners, not just non-CCOF private label owners.
- Exempt Handler Affidavit: Questions added for uncertified private label owners, who are now sometimes required to complete this form, as described on Co-Packer Application.
- H5.0 Record Keeping for Handlers: This form has many changes. We strongly encourage you to submit an updated version of this form to add to your OSP.
- Organic Fraud Prevention Plan: This is a completely new form, referenced on the H5.0. Be prepared to describe your Fraud Prevention Plan at your inspection.
- H2.0 Organic Products: New language and a question about nonretail labels to outline SOE requirements. Private label brand owners should complete a new H2.0 form to better document co-packers.
- H2.0A Ingredient Suppliers: Import column added to capture imported products; review the footnote. Importers who take title should be listed as a supplier; importers who do not take title do not need to be listed in OSP. Both need to be certified, and the operation needs to maintain their certificates. See H5.0 for additional info.
- H2.6 Broker Suppliers: Private label brand owners who purchase ingredients that are used by co-packers will need to complete an H2.6 form to add ingredients to their certification, as required by SOE. Import column added to capture imported products; review the footnote in the form.
Grower OSP form updates:
- G6.1 Harvest and Transport: Updated to address recordkeeping responsibilities when harvest and/or transport is contracted out to uncertified companies.
- G6.2 Farm Storage: Updated regarding uncertified storage facilities and the criteria a storage facility must meet to be exempt from certification.
- G6.5 Sourcing Products and Direct Marketing: Updated regarding sourcing organic products from uncertified operations and the criteria those suppliers must meet to be exempt from certification.
- G7.0 Labeling: SOE requirements for nonretail container labeling outlined and related questions updated.
- G8.0 Record Keeping: New section on monitoring and fraud prevention.
Livestock OSP form updates:
- L3.0 Feed, Feed Additives and Water: Added new questions regarding feed suppliers.
- L4.0 Living Conditions: Updated questions regarding transport of animals and how animals are identified as organic during transport.
- L6.0 Origin of Livestock: Requesting updated information regarding animal traceability system.
- L7.0 Livestock Product Profile: Updated form pertaining to sourcing and reselling of products and labeling requirements.
- NEW FORM COMING SOON: L7.1 Suppliers: This new form will be used to better track suppliers of organic feedstuffs, organic roughages for bedding, and any organic livestock products sourced and resold by the operation.
- L8.1 Storage for Livestock Operations: Now prompting an Exempt Handler Affidavit for any uncertified storage locations.
- L9.0 Record Keeping for Livestock Operations: This form has many changes. We strongly encourage you to submit an updated version of this form to add to your OSP.