California Food Producers’ Starting a Specialty Food Business Course will cover the basics of product development, food safety, processing options, marketing, and cost analysis. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with university and industry specialists to learn the fundamentals of how to create a successful specialty food business. Participants will receive a course manual, USB flash drive with additional resources, and a certificate of completion from the University of California, Davis department of food science and technology.
This course is for anyone beginning or considering starting a specialty food business. Those actively engaged in a specialty food business are also encouraged to attend.
The course coincides with the California Food Producers Food Processing Expo and includes entrance to that event.
When: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Where: Hyatt Regency, Santa Clara, California
Cost: $200 before 12/20/2019; $250 after 12/20/2019
Get more information and register today.
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Erin DiCaprio is an Assistant Specialist in Cooperative Extension in Community Food Safety with University of California Cooperative Extension. Dr. DiCaprio’s area of expertise is in microbial food safety, with emphasis on foodborne viruses. Viruses are a leading cause of foodborne disease and high risk foods for viral contamination are fresh produce, shellfish, and ready-to-eat foods. Her research is focused on determining the mechanisms by which fresh produce is contaminated by foodborne viruses during production and processing and which biological and environmental factors influence viral persistence in these foods.