This webinar recording was based on current information at the date of recording (11/10/2021). Some content may become out of date with time. Always refer directly to current organic, food safety, and other regulations and guidance relevant to your operation to ensure compliance.
Does your business fall into the fully covered category of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule? If so, join the CCOF Foundation for our FSMA 101 for Organic Processors series, where we will go over the requirements for a fully covered facility, review required training, and walk through the process for registering with FDA.
Your food business must fully comply with the FSMA Preventive Controls Rule if:
- Your business conducts activities that are not considered “low risk” processing to meet the farm mixed-type facility exemption;
- Your business grosses more than $1 million in annual sales, adjusted for inflation.
During this webinar, we will cover the requirements for a fully covered food processing facility under the FSMA Preventive Controls Rule, including required documents for the food safety plan, the hazard analysis process, and different types of preventive controls required for various identified hazards.
This webinar addresses California-specific food safety.